Bruce Lee
2nd March 2023

2nd March 2023
21st April 2022
Haaland to City? £51m release clause?
7th March 2022
Oh dear! Boris seems to be on the ropes. Reports of several lockdown ‘gatherings’ amongst the great and the good in what has been called ‘Partygate’,have cast suspicion on Boris’ supposed integrity.
The mainstream narrative predictably limited itself to faux outrage at the ‘unfairness’ and hypocrisy of it all. Of how, once again, it seems to be a case of ‘one rule for them’ etc.
The real question – which no one seems prepared to ask; is – why did the behaviour of these people, clearly demonstrate that none of them seemed remotely concerned about either contracting or transmitting a deadly virus? After all, they were the ones in receipt of and with direct access to, all the latest scientific data and advice; and in many cases were the ones actually conveying that advice to the plebs. They told us to be afraid – very afraid, whilst showing no fear whatsoever themselves in private. Are we supposed to believe that they did so because they are actually fearless or because they simply can’t help carrying on with reckless abandon and disregard for their own health despite the overwhelming risk?
The obvious and ultimately unavoidable conclusion is that they, and at various times over the last 2 years, others such as Dominic Cummings, Tobias Elwood, Kier Starmer, Matt Hancock, chief architect of the lockdowns Professor Neil Ferguson and Scotland’s Chief medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood; who all broke the rules they themselves enthusiastically foisted on the public; did so because they didn’t believe there was any health risk involved in flouting their own regulations.
Secondly, why did the source of these explosive revelations delay for over a year before going public? The first mention of irregularities didn’t appear until November 2021, and weren’t investigated by police until late January 2022. Yet the events concerned took place as early as May 2020. If the unnamed person or persons in receipt of these facts is motivated by a selfless concern for truth, outrage and devotion to the pubic interest, why, during these unprecedented upheavals, did they say absolutely nothing for 18 months? Are they the same person who later revealed details of subsequent gatherings and parties? Timing is everything in these matters. Is it perhaps more likely that whoever they are, they are actually more concerned with manipulating public perceptions as a means of moving the political circus on to its next stage?
12th January 2022
Bit of a departure into colour here. Faded primaries for the ‘modfather’ and his most enduring band. I think it sort of works.
1st October 2021
She’s gone!
Gladys pays the price for her failure to deliver the required uptake. But don’t worry – she already has a new job and starts on Monday. Pity she’s on the wrong side of the cell doors. Apparently the prison governor was ‘extremely impressed’ by her credentials, and you can be sure that, as she melts into obscurity, her treachery will be handsomely rewarded.
20th September 2021
Football’s back again. Death will have to wait.
15th September 2021
Bit late with this one, so I was waiting for them to do something else stupid and irritating. They probably have, but I couldn’t be bothered to look it up.
In the present environment, I really don’t want to be just another one of the ‘haters’; but this pair are sorely testing that resolve.
2nd September 2021
Abba have announced the release of a new album, 40 years after splitting up.
25th August 2021
Charlie Watts – unassuming, stylish gent and many peoples favourite Rolling Stone, who sadly passed away yesterday.
17th August 2021
The likeable, natural comedian Sean Lock has sadly passed away at the age of 58.